Hey - it’s Idin here (founder of FlowHuddle).

I thought I’d share a few words on FlowHuddle and how I aim to make the community as accessible as possible.

Improving access to the career of law is an important value of mine. I’ve created free content for aspiring lawyers on LittleLaw since 2016 and on YouTube and Instagram since 2020.

I want to contribute in a small way to a world of equal opportunity and believe in the value of diversity in the legal profession. I want to use what I’ve learnt over my years of trying to break into a career in law to help others get into this career.

That’s why I’ve introduced FlowHuddle for Everyone.

Why does FlowHuddle have a membership fee?

After a lot of reflection, I took the decision to charge a small monthly membership fee for access to FlowHuddle.

The main reasons for this are:

Does a paid community limit access to information that could help others?

It won’t in this case.

I plan to share any useful information discussed on the community or in the office hour publicly (e.g. on social media). This will ensure that access to knowledge is not limited to those who are part of the community.

Attendance at the community events (e.g. the co-working sessions or office hours) will primarily be for members of the community.

I cannot afford to pay the membership fee. Can I still join?

Yes! If you can not afford to pay the membership fee, send me an email to let me know. I’ll give you access to the community at whatever price that you can afford.

I won’t be conducting any assessments or imposing any requirements for this and will trust in your good faith!

- Idin